The Pentecostals of Loranger claims its beginning in Acts 2, which is agreed upon by all groups as the official birth date of the Christian church. We hold the conviction that true believers continue to grow until they are born again of water and Spirit confirmed by a supernatural language, as exampled in Acts 2. We answer questioning seekers with the same instructions Peter gave to those who believed on Jesus in Acts 2:37. He answered: “…Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)
We believe the same birth of water and Spirit experienced by those first believers is God’s promise to everyone and is vital to any Christian’s growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Throughout history those who practiced and defended this original blueprint were martyred–their voices suppressed. But we support that the original Apostolic practices continued, nonetheless.
In January of 1901, seekers from many denominations met in a Bible school in Topeka, KS. Why? To pray for the Holy Spirit outpouring they read about in Acts 2. They prayed and fasted for days. Finally, the Spirit fell on them as it did on believers in the beginning. Holy Ghost revivals sprang up everywhere. Misunderstood and persecuted, their numbers continued to grow. These ‘tongue talkers’ were called ‘Pentecostals’. See our “What We Believe” page for more information.
We belong to the United Pentecostal Church International. The UPCI was formed in 1945 by two merging groups: The Pentecostal Church and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. Currently, the UPCI has a presence in 143 nations, is comprised of approximately 4 million constituents, with over 4,100 churches and more than 9,000 ministers. We are committed to spread this Apostolic message locally, nationally and internationally. Our local church joins with those in our denomination to support home and foreign missionaries to minister where the message is yet to be heard.
The Pentecostals of Loranger emerged from passionate prayer meetings in the home of Tom and Doritha Byers around 1953. Bobby and Mae Hickman with their three children traveled across the river from Mt. Zion UPC to hold a tent revival where many were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. In 1954, our first property was purchased and the original cinder block building was raised.
In 1981, Rick Maricelli came with his wife, Donna, and their two children, Jathan and Chrysta to assist the senior pastor, Donald Thornton. Our average attendance was about 58. Our church family worked together and filled the old building. Over the next 10 years, we raised funds and built the current sanctuary we now occupy. In 1989, Pastor Maricelli became senior pastor. That same year, we dedicated this building with approximately 120 in membership. Over the next few years, new people continued to join us. Leaders were trained to carry the load of this growing church. Soon this building was filled.
Pastor and Donna Maricelli have a vision for reaching our community and the Pentecostals of Lee Road have launched a daughter work in Mandeville and currently, a second daughter work in Loranger. The group in Mandeville has grown from approximately 40 people to a congregation of over 120.
Our group here in Loranger, pastored by Denny and Michelle Jenkins, has outgrown our former meeting place and we are currently meeting in the American Legion Hall in Loranger. In the fall of 2008, we purchased five acres in Loranger to build a church and have plans to move forward soon.
We are committed to make a difference in the Loranger community. We will be an active part of our community and will provide a welcoming place for new people, a growing place for all people and a passionate sanctuary of praise and prayer for Jesus Christ.
We are expecting great things in Loranger community.